quarta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2017

Hello, "stranger"!

Hello, "stranger"!
To N.S.

Wow, I was surprised by your answer... I could never have guessed you were even going to answer me after all this time! 

I really wanted you to know how special you are and how dearly I have been thinking of you for all these years. I do believe you are still that very special person and probably even better today. You have a beautiful soul and all this huge talent of yours! And I deeply hope everything is well with you and I hope you're happy, as long as someone can be in this crazy, crazy world.

Hope we can get a bit closer again despite all the distance between our screens. I will be very happy to have you again in my life. I believe special people should always be connected somehow. 

Well, I must confess I could be doing better today :D ... but I'm going through some problems and fighting bravely! I'm alive and breathing and deeply grateful for all this crazy experience called Life, despite all. I'm stronger and stronger and appreciating life more and more every day, because it was a choice of mine. 

I'm still living in Brazil, and I had a great experience in another city for a year. All the hard time I've been through just made me stronger now. I still love flamenco and gypsy culture like mad, I'm still in love with dance, singing, writing, reading and learning, art and culture and everything. I'm in love with Life, after all! 

I still love orange. Clementine's Agent Orange specifically. ;)  I still dive into music with all my soul and still think that music and singing is the best therapy in this world. I believe it can cure us and maybe heal the world one day. I'm still a dreamer, you see! Always seeking. Always loving. Even though so much have changed inside and out of me. And I still want to hear about you! I want to hear you! 

So tell me what you have been up to! Tell me about your music, about your band, what have you been creating? Any new album?

Best wishes from Brazil!

La Maya

Imagem: Waking Life (Richard Linklater, 2001)